Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Random Thoughts

Back to School around here, again. So many ups and downs this year already. The kids have already missed 7 or 8 days of school this year. Bye-bye Mardi Gras! We don't know how they will have to make it up yet. It may mean a shorter Thanksgiving break, also.

I think we are going to go back to our no TV on school nights rule from last year. It worked really great. We let everyone have an hour a week. It helped us to concentrate on homework and doing things together so much better.

The kids just walked outside to leave for seminary and they said how cool it is outside. Yeah...I think I will call someone to go for a walk this morning. I love to walk outside. On that note, Zack and I are thinking about looking for a treadmill. It is time.....it is time that we concentrate on losing some weight. I have my 20 year reunion this year....Yikes. I will not want to go like this. I would like to lose at least 15 pounds. So, we need a treadmill and I need to start writing down everything I eat. I am going to start "Take-off" today. That is a thing I did when I went to LA Weightloss. You do it for 2 days and you only eat meat and green vegatables. It really jump starts your weigtloss. You are supposed to drink this juice that they sell and eat these bars they sell, but I am going to do it without that and just drink extra water to make up the difference. I will have to forgo the bars for now....also, I just remembered that I have some at LA Weightloss that I already paid for. I will go pick them up and maybe get the juice while I am there. OK, I am ready. No bread and no sweets.


Laura said...

Amazing, because I started today back on my "eating well" diet too! I even came home this morning and went straight for the treadmill. It felt really good.

NOT MARDI GRAS!!!! Thanksgiving break I can handle, but Mardi Gras? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Lindsay and Mike said...

I'm glad you are all safe from Ike's wrath!

Susan said...

Are you sure you need a treadmill, you can come to the gym with me. :)

Vicki's Vicissitudes said...

I joined SPAR again Thursday and walked for two miles. My plan is to go every M, W and Friday to the 5 AM exercise session. I must be nuts. By the way, I will sell you my treadmill if you really want one. I would rather exercise outside so it just sits there.