Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Sickness

We had a little sickness over the holiday, too. I mentioned being in the Children's Clinic with Sarah Beth. She ran a fever on Christmas night after having a cough for 3 days before that. The doctor gave her an antibiotic. She has declared that she wants to change doctors, too. Dr. Thompson was not in the office that day, so we saw Dr. Murray.....a woman. Sarah Beth was impressed. She said she wants to only go to her from now on. So, I guess our days with Dr. Thompson may be limited. He has been our pediatrician for 14 years. I will really miss seeing him. For those that know me.....I am a little too interested in people like that. I am not satisfied with knowing a little information about a person. I want to know more. Plus, Dr. Thompson is very intriguing. He has 11 children. I want to know all about that. Just like I like to watch TLC's "Jon and Kate, Plus Eight" or "17 (18) and Counting". I kind of think Dr. Thompson's house would be like that. But, I guess we will venture into the "female doctor" land.

Then on Saturday afternoon I called Zack to touch base while I was in Lake Charles with GranJan. He sounded funny so he said, "I bit my tongue." Ok, no big deal. Well, later he calls me back and lets me know that he REALLY BIT HIS TONGUE. SEVERELY. It is bad, people. It left a huge hole in his tongue. He couldn't get it to stop bleeding and was in lots of pain. So, we got some gauze to put pressure on it and I got some Ambusol to relieve the pain. Do you go to the hospital? Do you treat in yourself? I never know, but we called his FEMALE DOCTOR and she said if we could get it to stop bleeding then it would be ok. I did not want to have hospital charges, so I was determined to take care of it ourselves. SO, I found some mouthwash from an oral surgery I had and told him to rinse. didn't burn my mouth when I used it. oooops! Poor guy is recovering.


Susan said...

I can't imagine what would have precipitated his biting down that hard that he did that much damage...but whatever it was, I want to avoid it.

Hope you heal fast Zack! Until then...think pudding. :)

Laura said...

Oh wow, it's been eventful at your house too! Wow!

Bella In The Bayou said...

You gave him what? I bet the mouthwash was Dr Tichnor's or something that burned like that. Ouch. Perhaps ICE would work. Baby Oragel.... No potato chips, no boiled crawfish and please stay away from tomatoes and oranges.... Can you tell I used to bite my tongue alot? It's a wonder I never bit it off.
Hope Zach feels better soon.

Be A Saint said...

It was a chocolate covered pretzel....evil things! And the mouthwash was a prescribed thing when I had oral surgery to help heal the wound. Like I said, I don't remember the burn!:)

Andrea said...

I have a thing with female doctors. I am not sure what it is, but I don't like them?? I don't know why?? They do just as good of a job as they men do, I just don't like them. I know, I am strange.

And ouch!! That sounds really painful, poor Zack!! And that mouth wash! Oh dear!! I hope that gets better soon. I do know that the mouth heals really fast. Warm salt water rinses. That should help.

Vicki's Vicissitudes said...

OMG! I am hurting just thinking about it.