Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Proud to Be an American

So, today, I am so proud to be an American. I love Inauguration Day in America. I love that we can transition from one group to another with grace and dignity. I love that this is the perfect symbol of a democracy. I love that we have lead the WORLD in freedom and government by the people for the people. Today, I love that more people than ever feel involved in the process. I HOPE that President Obama will be able to turn those "feelings" into action. I actually know that he better able at this time to "lead" this country than Senator McCain. I know that sounds shocking, but I think that with the media and the climate of the country that it would be impossible for McCain....or Bush....to be able to lead. That doesn't mean that I think he is the best one for the JOB, but the one who has the possibility of success.

On the other hand...I am so proud of the job President George W. Bush did while he was president. I was so proud of him today. He gave a speech in Midland when he arrived home. It was so wonderful. He is a great man and I hope history is able to recognize his greatness. He did things that were hard and did them even when he was very unpopular for doing them. That is greatness. I am moved by what a just plain good man he is. Very prayerful, very focused, and very humble. I hope that he will retire in peace and can't wait for his book to come out.

Thank you President Bush('s)..........I will pray for you President Obama!


Laura said...

I completely agree. Ashley yesterday said that when they were watching the swearing in, some kid said, "Well there goes the country." I sat down and informed her that it does not matter what we thought in the election now. We are all americans and he's our president, and we will support him and respect him, just like we have the other presidents. And we will PRAY for him also.

Susan said...

Very insightful Andrea. We're all praying too.

Vicki's Vicissitudes said...

I really enjoyed watching these. I didn't get a chance to see it live so I agree with Bush....he does have the same values...and thank goodness he does.
As far as Obama, I would agree with you on those thoughts as well.

MaryRuth said...

Thanks for your point of view... you know I greatly value your opinion and thoughts... you gave great insight and some things to think about... its no secret that I'm not an Obama fan but I agree that he might have an easier time getting things done and I hadn't thought of that before.


Be A Saint said...

I know he will have an easier time...I just worry where he will take us during that time!!