Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Secret Santa

So, we have a tradition in our family of doing Secret Santa's each year. We draw names--all 8 of us--and then from Thanksgiving to Christmas we secretly go around doing nice things for each other, leaving little treats, and then giving a gift that is unwrapped on Christmas Eve. This is also when we are supposed to reveal who we have. Secret Santa is truly my favorite part about our holiday. It is so fun to see the kids sneak around to leave treats and do nice things. We were talking about last year's SS the other night and while it was difficult to remember what we received.....we all remembered what we gave.

The most fun is Lily. She is Secret Santa SuperStar. Well, all except the Secret part. But, she tries so hard. She told me she just wants to scream it out! For the past two years she has had Zack and he just had her tied in knots, teasing her and keeping her on top of her toes. It was hilarious for the rest of us. He even kept it up all this year. He would make comments all the time about how he had the best SS. So, this year she was determined to keep the secret. So, when the moment came she was so excited. It is the first year she could read the name herself. So, she drew her paper, read it, and looked straight up at Sarah Beth! She set off immediately to clean SB and MC's bedroom. But, according to her, it was too messy. So, she went on a hunt for something to give her. This is what she decided on! (Camera won't download!) It is an old Barbie, 2 pots of Play-Doh, a green stuffed elephant, an Indian hat and macaroni necklace that she made at school. Sarah Beth found it later just piled on her bed.

Later we went to Dollar Tree and I told them they could pick one thing to give their SS. So, Lily looked all around the store---telling Emma that she was shopping by her a grown-up! She finally decided on a Christmas snow globe (Lily loves snow globes). When were home Lily got the snow globe out of the bag and promptly dropped it. Yeah, all of HER snow globes! She came to me sobbing like she just lost her best friend. I assured her we would buy another today--it's a $ and a little heart was broken. But, then she decided to give it anyway. Sarah Beth found it and went on and on like the great big sister that she is. So, then Lily disappeared again and came back with a note for Sarah Beth. It said, "I you!" Lily told Sarah Beth that her SS must have left it for her and she just happened to go to SB's room to "check on the snow case it fell off the shelf or something."

We sure have fun with this. I will post more about funny things that happen from now till Christmas. And of course, I am sooooo ready for Alex to come home to participate with the rest of us!


Lindsay and Mike said...

What a fun tradition!

gwen said...

Way to be mysterious, Lily!!! haha

Susan said...

That is so darling! But I don't get the note, what does "I you" mean? (or was it I love you?)

I love that she's giving SB things SHE likes (snow globes). :)

Be A Saint said...

Yes, I actually wrote "heart", but for some reason it didn't show up. She is the best! We have fun with her every year.

MaryRuth said...

What a fun idea! I love when you post little Lily stories... I love that age.

Hope you guys are doing well!