Sunday, April 18, 2010

I'm going to Sadies!?!?!

So, running a little late today to church and as soon as I sat down I noticed that several other people had chosen to wear the same color to church. Seriously, there must have been 6 of us with this bright blue color on. Including 2 boys who wore the same blue ties. After sacrement meeting Susan and I were teasing Travis. We told him we thought we were going to Sadies with him. I don't really think he knew what to think when Zack whipped out his phone and took our picture with him.

We will let you off the hook, Travis, even though we do match really great!


Lindsay and Mike said...

Too funny! Tell Susan "hi" for me! I miss that gal!

Susan said...

Hi back, Lindsay!!

Gayla said...

Cute picture! Travis is so grown up.

MaryRuth said...

Haha! I LOVE IT!!!

Julie Church said...

Random thought: Can you guys have a trip up here sometime in Mary Catherine's senior year. I really want to photograph her! What a beauty.

Vicki's Vicissitudes said...

I love this post and was glad to participate in the event....the sadies