Ok, I finally was able to add pictures to my blog. I have started a post about 5 times only to not get the pics up.
So, this is the first day of school around here. Strange site. Alex has been working all summer and getting up by himself a little before 7:00. Honestly, no one in the house even knew when he left everyday. For some reason, I guess because Zack and I were actually up earlier, we felt the need to remind him of the time and say, "Alex, don't you think you need to get up?" I guess we think we are so needed but can lay in bed and not think about it. Nevertheless, no school for this man, today.
But, not for THIS . Lily started Kindergarten today. She was up early and absolutely thrilled for the new start. She has Mrs. Young, who is really young. I think she is the youngest teacher we have ever had. Younger than me for the first time ever! She told me that school was LONG and FUN. She brought her lunch, her new backpack, and Sarah Beth's blanket for nap time. She keeps telling Emma that she can do things by herself....Emma wants to check on her and bring her to the bus. Was mama a little sad? Maybe a little, but it has been 18 years home with children and I am going to be ok. Not sure how I will fill my day, but I'm sure I will manage. Don't you love her pink shoes?
And this is in third grade. She is telling everyone that she has the best teacher in the school. Not only is she right about that, but Mrs. Bowen is the best teacher in the parish as far as I am concerned. She is kind, teaches things that the kids are excited to learn, and still she pushes them to do their best and achieve more than they thought they could. Emma is going to do great with her. I am so happy that they will be working together.
I guess that Sarah Beth is too cool for the traditional first day of school picture! She is now in the 7th grade. She is happy to be going back to school. She is much happier with a schedule and loves to get things organized. I hope we can keep her excited about it. She is not too happy that she has PE with the sixth grade this year, but I'm sure she will handle it. She was up and running around pretty early, too.
After being at Maplewood for 13 years, we ONLY have 9 more to go. They will be so happy to say goodbye to me in another DECADE. WOW!
These are my current Sulphur Tors. Mary Catherine started the 9th grade, and Taylor is a junior. Mary Catherine is very happy about leaving Maplewood, finally, and loves the 9th grade school. She says everyday that school is fun. I am so glad she is having fun. Taylor is driving them both to school and I think is happy to have MC there with him. They are really good friends. I know he will miss Alex, though. He loves driving the truck and says that Everybody notices it. How cool is that? Taylor's schedule is really tought this year. He has 2 AP classes and an Advanced class in addition to Chemistry. Junior year is tough, but he is determined to do well. What great kids.
Andrea, you really do have great kids. And you guys are great parents. I so admire your family, the relationships your children have and the determination you all have to "grow" together.
Lily could not look any cuter with her pink shoes!
I have been so overwhelmed with life that I haven't been able to read your blog in a while. The picture of Mary Catherine just blew me away!! I hate to use the word "blossom", but she just blossomed in the last 6 months. What a beauty! I miss your family and your friendship. Good luck with the new school year!
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