Thursday, May 8, 2008


Here's what I wish I had said....."It's ok, drive safe, good luck on your test, I love you." Here's what I did......"Hurry, you didn't say anything to me about what time the test was, it is not MY fault"....and other general eye rolls and disappointed looks. Alex asked to sleep in this morning so he would be rested for the English AP test this morning. After the other kids got off to school, I yelled up the stairs to wake him up. I heard him get into the shower. Then the phone rang and it was one of his classmates. She asked for Alex and I told her he was in the shower. She said, "oh, he is LATE for the AP test!!!" Freak out....I yelled up to him as a reminder. He freaked out. I had the opportunity to support him and be a safe mom for him and I didn't do it. I'm disappointed in myself.......but, at least I see it now and I'm not still fuming. I want to motivate by encouragement, not nagging and putting down. He already felt stupid enough....I probably made him feel more so. I will do better next time!! So, good luck Alex, I love you. Forgive your mama.


Vicki's Vicissitudes said...

I enjoyed the prom pictures. I can relate to the mother stories and the reading of self help to do mother books. HAHA Gosh...learning even as a mother sometimes can be hard.

Stacy James said...

Thank heavens children are quick to forgive us! At least you're recognizing and trying to get it right. You're a good mama.

Lindsay and Mike said...

I want to be Andrea Zachary when I grow up! You are a FABULOUS mom! If I am 1/10 of the mom you are when I have teenagers, I will consider myself a success! :) We all have moments like that. Some of us more than others (I am in the "some of us" group in that last statement!) :)