Monday, May 26, 2008

Forgotten Drama

It was not really forgotten, but I didn't blog it. On Friday, May 16, we had the annual Beach Bash at Maplewood. It is usually so much fun and Emma and Lily were even more excited than usual to go because they had a water slide this year. So, we were there....trying out all the other activities before we went to the slide. We sidetracked into the cafeteria to look at something and ran into the Turner's. As I talked to Wendy, Emma and Lily decided they were starving, so I sent them outside to trade our money for tickets to buy food. On there way back Emma somehow managed to let the cafeteria door....big metal door........close on her picky finger on the hinge side of the door. OWWW!!! Wendy said it looked broken........I thought it looked to the emergency room.......leaving Sarah Beth and her friends spending the night at the school with Mary Catherine(I will explain in the next post).

Long story short, on the way to the hospital I realized I had my camera....YEAH!! I can blog it!! Anyway, it is not broken, but badly bruised. Emma has worn a splint on it for 1 1/2 weeks and it still hurts pretty bad. Never a dull moment. Thanks to Wendy, Gwen, Alex(who had a flat tire on the way to the school to pick up the big girls), and Vicki Cordell for helping us get all of them home safely. What would I do without these wonderful people I can trust and call at the MOST inconvenient times to bale us out of a pickle.

Emma sure was sweet and cuddly in the hospital...silver lining.


Susan said...

Jennifer said yes, it was her hospital...we zoomed in on the hospital bracelet. Emma looks like a trooper!

Be A Saint said...

It sure was her hospital. We asked if she was working as soon as we got there, but no such luck. I guess it was one of her days off. I'm just glad we didn't have to stay too long.