Then we had to finish shopping, cook, and pack for Jena. A new thing this year is that Mary Catherine and Sarah Beth have been helping with the cooking. I love to have them in the kitchen with me.
The kids and I left on Friday to go to GranJan's and Zack joined us on Saturday after a special event at Zack's. We had fun in Jena and, of course, closed Wal-Mart several nights. We had 17 people in the house for 4 nights. We had a great time and were happy to come home. We had a Family Home Evening on Sunday night that went really well. We read a talk by Elder Nelson about his testimony of Christ. Claire and I played piano pieces and had a roaring fire. It was a really nice night. On Monday, Christmas Eve, we cooked all day since GranJan had no oven. She borrowed a roaster that sits on the counter and we baked in it. It was huge and in the way, but we improvised and actually sat down to eat at 6:30. Maybe the roaster was a better idea afterall. We opened gifts that night. It was lots of fun. We all had fun revealing our Secret Santa's, although by then the only surprises were for Emma and Lily. Despite Santa finishing fairly early, I was exhausted Christmas morning. The kids slept later than the Methvins which I thought was funny. They had bragged about how they ALWAYS had to wake the Methvins up. Not this time! I think everyone was very happy and satisfied. They had a great time looking without touching first and then digging in. Santa brought each of them a case of their favorite treat this year. Mary Catherine got a case of FUSE, Sarah Beth a case of Propel, Taylor 20 packs of gum, Alex Cheezits, Emma a tub of Bubble Gum, and Lily Fruit roll ups and snacks. Along with each a pack of blackberries, blueberries, or raspberries, that was all in the stockings. I think they liked that. Mary Catherine and Sarah Beth have been hording their drinks and smartly keeping them in their rooms. Taylor took their example, but the rest were gone rather quickly.
We decided to leave Jena and come home on Christmas Day because Stephanie and Tara were here with their families and would be leaving the next morning. So somehow we loaded everyone up and got home about 5:00pm. What a mess we had. Kate came home with us. We then had Christmas at the Zachary's and visited with them awhile.

For the next couple of days we prepared for our company by putting away all the new things. I was glad for company coming so we had to get things put away quickly. Everyone came on Thursday night, all 15 of us in the house. We shopped on Friday while Zack and Ted brought some of the kids down to Cameron. They had fun and we did too. Mary Catherine did some of her birthday shopping. GranJan bought her a black skirt, jeans, and a couple of shirts. She did really good finding some sales and things she really needed and wanted. I got her a couple of hoodies, a cute top, and a bra. She still had one gift to open on her birthday. Happy Birthday, wonderful
On Saturday, we got ready for Emma's baptism. She was so excited. We had been talking to her about what baptism means. She had talked to the bishop a couple o

All of our visitors left the next day, on Sunday after church. A little time to ourselves. On New Year's Eve Emma and Lily were invited to a sleepover at the Young's. They had a great time with sparklers and movies. They tell me they stayed up all night!?! Lily did call us about every hour to check in. She has started using the phone all the time lately, calling the Young's often, and our house from the cell phones telling us we "won a million dollars!" My baby is growing up. At home we had the missionaries over for dinner about 8:00. We had chips and dip and tortilla soup. The missionaries gave us a lesson and we played the tie game where we had to pass the ties around the circle and try not to be stuck with 2 ties at once. It was really fun. We had Whitney here, too. Then we all made predictions for 2008 and watched Hairspray. Another musical we all love now.
On New Year's Day Zack left to go hunting at about 4:00 am. When he got back at noon (with no deer) we went to his parents for traditional cabbage and black eyed peas. Then on to the reception at the church for Dean Newton and Jenni Rollins. It was so nicely decorated with Christmas trees and lights strung across the ceiling. Everything was very nice. I really like this idea of the reception before the wedding. All there was left to do was go to the sealing and enjoy. Very nice idea. We left there and went vacuum hunting. Yeah!!! Angela and Mama tried to get me to get a vacuum when they were here, but I knew not to buy something cheap or I would never get a nice one. Zack is much better to shop for those things with. After shopping at Sear's and then securing a coupon from Susan Duplantis we decided to get the Dyson Animal from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Should mean a clean house, right?
That night Mary Catherine had all her friends over for a sleepover. I was up until 2:00 with them. Teenagers of opposite es up by themselves is not a good idea. Therefore I stayed up. They convinced Alex to bring them to the store for King Cake at about midnight. They were a little wild. Fun stuff.
Zack and I headed off to the temple the next morning for the sealing of Dean Newton and Jenni Rollins. Everything was really nice and I realize just how young I must have looked when I got married. Because they sure ARE young. Wow! What a scary proposition. And they are about 3 1/2 years older than I was.
I hope this isn't too boring. Just a recap of our holiday season. Today is Saturday, January 5, and I am still in my PJs sitting in front of the computer. Lots of projects going on. Scrapbooking, making birthday gifts for primary, and blogging. Great day for UP!!!!!
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